Ken Finch as DJ Viper at Citrus-Goodvibes 1999

Ken Finch as DJ Viper at Citrus-Goodvibes 1999
An unfinished warehouse. turntables, a mixer, speakers and some carefully selected tracks, trainspotters, dust, 10 inch singles, hardness, lightness, deepness = dancing. Ken payed house and techno under his own name, and hardcore and jungle tracks under the DJ Viper moniker.
Ravers On Bass Bins Toronto 1999
Ravers On Bass Bins Toronto 1999
What made the rave scene so amazing was the sense of community. You could just plunk yourself on the floor or on a bass bin next to some fellow ravers and soon enough you’d be best friends. There were no mobile phones to hide the full experience of the music, the people and the vibe.
TRIBE Base Camp at WEMF Christian Island Ontario 1998
TRIBE Base Camp at WEMF
Christian Island, Ontario 1998
Once you got the ferry to the island your journey wasn’t over. You had get to the rave, but fortunately you could get a lift to the site from the enterprising locals for $$$. Once there, holy fuck, what a party! Camping on a Christian Island beach, multiple music genre tents, SWIMMING!!!! It was exactly like this photograph and totally amazing.